View the details on the OH&S Registry website.
If you are considering becoming an occupational safety instructor, rest assured you have come to the right place! At OH&S Safety Consulting and Training Solutions we have everything you need to deliver workplace safety training programs, backed by the safety industry’s best customer service, and the best instructional support materials.
You may have already decided to partner with an existing OH&S Training Centre or we can help you establish and build your own training business. If you want to join the OH&S team and you have the passion, you can deliver safety training in your workplace, earn some extra money part-time or establish a full-time career.
See the List of Available Programs in the Training Tab
The OH&S Instructor Certification Course is the ticket you need. The ICC has been developed to improve your knowledge, skills and abilities to deliver occupational safety training in the workplace and to ensure that all course administrative obligations and delivery requirements for student certification have been achieved.
The ICC – Instructor Certification course will show you how to:
The Instructor Certification Course process includes formal evaluation in the classroom and during practical field exercises in accordance with the OH&S Teaching and Accreditation Standard.
Four Phases of the Instructor Certification Course
Phase One
Participants in the Instructor Certification Course (ICC) complete student level training in the discipline for which they are seeking Instructor certification. A student certification from another training provider other than OH&S may be acceptable to meet with this requirement. Instructor applicants are to contact the OH&S Registry to determine eligibility for prerequisite(s) credentials prior to enrolment in an ICC.
Phase Two
Meeting the requirements of Phase one in conjunction with work related experience ensures familiarity with
the substantive aspects of safety training delivery. Knowledge and mastery of teaching techniques based on sound principles of learning, will enable the instructor to facilitate training and impart effective learning.
Self-study is required to understand the administrative obligations of delivering OH&S training. The information contained within the ICC applicant guide will be reviewed as a component of the Instructor Certification Course to reinforce the knowledge presented in the guide. This self-study component requires the completion of a written evaluation to document an ICC participants understanding.
Phase Three
To ensure that courses are taught in accordance with all instructional standards, policies and procedures, persons seeking instructor status are to participate in a classroom training course referred to as the ICC. Participants will apply adult learning principles during classroom and field exercises that will assist the new instructor in
managing the learning environment.
Phase Four
Observation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the learning environment will be assessed as a final quality assurance monitoring in the presence of an instructor trainer. Participants that demonstrate acceptable instructional techniques and meet the standards for classroom management will have their application for membership to the OH&S Registry submitted for processing and approval to deliver OH&S workplace training programs.
We are justifiably proud of the instructors registered with OH&S and we have a place for you !