When are workers required to have Fall Protection?
Our workplace integrated Fall Protection training program has been designed for those with an occupational requirement to be trained to safely undertake work at heights.
A Fall Protection system is used when work is being done:
1. At a place from which a fall of 3m (10 ft) or more may occur
2. Where a fall from a height of less than 3m involves a risk of injury greater than the risk of injury from the impact on a flat surface.
This training program is for any employee who may be expected to complete work-related tasks that expose them to danger when working at heights.
Course Description
This is an 8 hour course that will provide you with a Fall Protection certification that is accredited by Gold Seal, EOCP, and EMA Licensing. This certification will be valid for 3 years. You will be required to have 100% attendance, participate in skills and demonstrations, and complete a written exam with 75% or higher.
Our morning will be spent in the classroom introducing students to the background of fall protection, basics of falling, personal fall arrest systems, miscellaneous systems and issues, and rescue knots.
The afternoon will be spent in our fall protection simulator. We will practise the skills we have learnt with hands on experience so that workers are ready to apply the skills to real life situations.
What You Will Need
Helmet with chinstraps
Safety Glasses
Body Harness
If you do not own your own safety gear some will be provided for you.