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If you are a special needs candidate, and/or require accommodation, please let us know during your course registration so that we are able to come up with a plan to accommodate your arrival.
At OH&S we understand the importance of providing open access to information since we are also specialists in safety. Our courses draws large groups of people with varying needs and accommodations, and ensuring everyone has an open access to information and opportunity to learn about safety, is just good business sense. We are here for you!
Comprehensive two-day course offering first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills for those who need training due to work requirements or who want more knowledge to respond to emergencies at home. Includes the latest first aid and CPR guidelines. Meets federal and a variety of provincial/territorial regulations for Standard First Aid and CPR. Exceeds competitors’ standards by including injury prevention content, CPR and AED.
This 6 hour 30 minute (1 day) program helps meet the regulatory requirements for occupational childcare. The program is designed to meet provincial, territorial and federal requirements for CPR and first aid emergency care skills for daycare providers, school personnel, bus drivers, and youth sports coaches.
Using our unique student-centered instructional design, MEDIC First Aid Pediatric Emergency ensures fundamental cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), first aid, and emergency care skills for the preparedness of babysitters, neighborhood groups, parents and grandparents. The program ensures that employers and employees meet OH&S and COHS regulatory requirements for emergency level first aid and CPR training for occupational childcare settings.
Pediatric Emergency is flexible in its design to meet the varying needs of students and facilities. The program is modular, allowing instructors to emphasize specific illnesses, injuries and prevention topics.
This 6 hour program provides training in the business of babysitting, proper supervision, basic care giving skills and responding properly to ill or injured children and infants. The program is intended to be flexible in content. It can be customized to meet the teaching styles of the instructor and the learning needs of the student. This program may be integrated with Pediatric Emergency First Aid CPR and AED for a more extensive First Aid CPR and AED skills program. This program is intended for responsible adolescents 10 years and up who want to become babysitters or who are providing babysitting and child care services already.
Many experts feel that 14 is generally an appropriate age to begin babysitting, but maturity, responsibility and the ability to react effectively in care of an emergency must always be considered regardless of age. There is no law that says what minimum age a person must be before they can babysit, however it is against the law for a person to babysit during school hours that is under the age of 16 without permission from their school principle. Parents have the responsibility to decide how old a babysitter they hire should be and it is their responsibility to hire someone who can look after their children properly. In most cases labour laws do not apply to babysitting on a short term basis.
Intended Audience - Persons who are occupationally required or just desire to have first aid knowledge and skills, such as emergency response teams in business and industry, school bus drivers, adult residential care personnel, child care workers, teachers, parents, and babysitters.
This 13 hour (2 day) program helps business, industry, government agencies, employers and employees meet provincial and territorial OH&S requirements, and the federal COHS regulatory requirements for standard first aid and CPR training.
MEDIC First Aid programs complement safety programs and link into the EMS response system. All materials are medically and instructionally up-to-date, affordable and practical. Standard First Aid and CPR emphasizes prevention, recognition, and treatment. The combination of viewed image and narration, along with a variety of activities help students increase their retention of the essential patient care skills.
Our educational model helps adult learners increase their skill while keeping their interest. It allows most people to learn from this program whether they read well or not, and considers those for whom English is a second language. Simply put, adults prefer easy to learn programs that are paced and designed for the adult learner.
This Course is intended for persons who are occupationally required or just desire to have first aid knowledge and skills, such as emergency response teams in business and industry, school bus drivers, adult residential care personnel, child care workers, teachers, parents, and babysitters.
This 6 hour 30 minute (1 day) program helps business, industry and government agencies meet provincial, territorial and federal requirements for first aid and CPR training. A core instructional program and is appropriate for the majority of work environments. Using our unique student-centred instructional design, MEDIC FIRST AID Emergency ensures fundamental cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), first aid, and emergency care skills for the occupational first aid provider.
This program ensures that employers and employees meet OH&S and COHS regulatory requirements for emergency level first aid and CPR training. Representing the information and skills for persons with an occupational requirement to be first aid trained, this core program can be complemented with MEDIC First Aid supplements or with additional first aid topics specific to your client’s needs, the needs of industry, or specific occupational needs.
A combination of Small Group Practice Scenarios, and Talk Through Scenarios are added to the compulsory lessons to attain the required minimum total content time of 24 hours. The Advanced 24 First Aid program is designed to be delivered over four working days.
The Advanced Curriculum, is a fundamental training program in emergency care designed with the workplace attendant in mind. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and other important emergency care skills are combined into a single approach to the patient, the same as used by professional emergency care personnel.
This approach results in a continuity of care as the patient is passed from the Workplace Attendant, to health care First Responder, EMR, Paramedic, Nurse, or Physician. The Advanced Curriculum should be considered a “core program” appropriate for many work sites. It is the minimum information and skills for persons with a requirement to be occupational first aid trained at the Advanced level. The core program can be supplemented with information on additional first aid topics specific to an occupation or industry.
Emphasis in Advanced MEDIC training is on safely identifying and managing life-threatening emergencies. Training focuses on information, assessment, and skills that will protect life or prevent further injury. Numerous and varied uses of the information presented helps create retention. As a result, students develop confidence in their ability to respond to an actual emergency.
The Advanced First Aid curriculum offers layperson training in prehospital emergency care beyond the Standard level. It takes the essential skills of patient care to a higher level of assessment.
Advanced is a skills intensive course with hands-on practice. This occupational first aid course emphasizes single provider response, team response ERT (emergency response team), and the training of helpers on-scene. The curriculum begins with self-study and homework assignments (approx. 24 hours) and progresses through 76 hours of classroom sessions.
Intended for individuals who are CPR, Emergency or Standard first aid trained who desire or are required to be trained in the administration of Emergency Oxygen. This 4 hour program teaches providers how to use supplemental oxygen during an emergency, prior to the arrival of EMS.
This supplement is designed to meet requirements for personnel to be properly trained in the use of emergency oxygen and includes safety and handling recommendations. Providing supplemental emergency oxygen in conjunction with life supporting emergency care, is a simple and effective method of increasing a patient’s chance of a successful recovery. In fact, it is one of the first medical measures taken by EMS personnel in the field and in the hospital.
This program can be used to supplement MEDIC First Aid programs such as Emergency First Aid and CPR, Standard First Aid and CPR, or the Workplace for BC Level 1 etc.
This 3 hour program is an effective tool for training employees who have a risk of exposure to blood borne pathogens in the workplace. The program focuses on blood borne diseases, with emphasis on HIV and Hepatitis.
The program also takes a close look at the use of Personal Protective Equipment, and the requirements of an Occupational Exposure Control Plan. This program is designed to provide students with the knowledge to reduce or eliminate the occupational risk of blood borne pathogens.
Students will learn to develop behaviours to minimize their exposure to potentially infectious materials and know what steps to take to reduce their risk of contracting a disease in the event of an exposure.
This program can be used as a stand-alone program or can be used to supplement MEDIC First Aid programs such as Emergency First Aid and CPR and Standard First Aid and CPR, or the Workplace for BC Level 1 etc.
Intended Audience: Healthcare providers, emergency medical responders, firefighters, lifeguards, police and correctional officers, and industrial response team members.
British Columbia: The Emergency Medical Responder curriculum is training in prehospital emergency care, beyond the Advanced level, to meet the needs for occupational emergency response companies, or urban and rural EMS ambulance services.
The EMR program is highly skills intensive, candidates work through skills practice and scenario situations to develop proficiency and comfort with the equipment and patient assessment skills that are a part of the national occupational competency profile for an EMR. The didactic and practical training presented in the EMR curriculum totals 165 hours meeting the national occupational competency profile as published by the Paramedic Association of Canada.
Intended Audience: Persons who are occupationally required or just desire to have first aid knowledge and skills, such as emergency response teams in business and industry. This 7 hour (1 day) program helps business, industry and government agencies meet provincial, territorial and federal requirements for first aid and CPR training in British Columbia and across Canada.
The Level 1 Workplace First Aid program is DVD based, and instructor supervised. Students learn the initial and secondary patient care skills that follow the latest medical consensus guidelines, and educational Methodology.
The Level 1 program is recognized by the WorkSafe BC as equivalent to the OH&S (Occupational Health and Safety) requirements for use in BC’s Workplaces.
This 7 hour (1 day) program is intended to be provided in conjunction with the Level 1 Workplace First Aid program. It is not a stand-alone program. It will provide students with the essential knowledge and skills necessary to manage an emergency until more advanced medical help can be obtained. The goal of the program is to help students gain more confidence in the use of the equipment needed for packaging patient’s that require spinal immobilization.
The MEDIC First Aid Transportation Endorsement program is recognized by the WorkSafe BC as equivalent to BC’s OH&S (Occupational Health and Safety) requirements for use in BC Workplaces.
The Advanced Level 2 curriculum begins with self-study and homework assignments (approx. 24 hours) and progresses through 36 hours of classroom. The curriculum offers layperson training in prehospital emergency care beyond the Workplace Level 1 program.
It takes the essential skills of patient care to a higher level of assessment and is a skills intensive course with lots of hands-on practice. This occupational first aid course emphasizes single provider response, team response ERT (emergency response team), and the training of helpers on-scene.
The Advanced Level 2 curriculum is recognized by the WorkSafe BC as equivalent to the OH&S legislation Requirements for Occupational level 2 training.
The Advanced Level 3 curriculum offers training in prehospital emergency care beyond Advanced Level 2. It takes the essential skills of patient care to a higher level of assessment. Advanced Level 3 is a skills intensive course with lots of hands-on practice. This occupational first aid course emphasizes single provider response, team response ERT (emergency response team), and the training of helpers on-scene.
The curriculum begins with self-study and homework assignments (approx. 24 hours) and progresses through 76 hours of classroom sessions: Level 1 (Emergency), CPR Pro - BLS for Healthcare Providers, Emergency Oxygen, Bloodborne Pathogens, Pregnancy and Childbirth, Patient Packaging and Transportation, and Advanced Scenarios.
WorkSafe BC has implemented a process for accepting the first aid certification of workers trained or certified in other Canadian jurisdictions. In accordance with WorkSafe BC and the labour mobility requirements (TILMA), EMP Canada First Aid Training Provider’s that offer Level 1 or Level 3 first aid certification in BC are authorized to issue Level 1 or Level 3 out-of jurisdiction certificates.
Out-of-Jurisdiction Level 1 or Level 3 first aid certificates are issued to workers who come to BC that are holding a valid first aid certificate form another Canadian Province. Emergency First Aid and Standard First Aid in other jurisdictions would equate to a Level 1 certificate in BC, whereas Advanced First Aid would equate to a Level 3 certificate.
In order to help a worker prepare for employment as a First Aid Attendant in British Columbia, authorized EMP Canada First Aid Training Provider’s will issue them a Jurisprudence Package. The package provides references to all the pertinent sections of the Workers’ Compensation Act, the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation, guidelines, Policies and Standards that govern the administration of First Aid services to workers in BC industry.
The Advanced First Aid curriculum offers layperson training in prehospital emergency care beyond the Standard level. It takes the essential skills of patient care to a higher level of assessment. Advanced is a skills intensive course with hands-on practice. This occupational first aid course emphasizes single provider response, team response ERT (emergency response team), and the training of helpers on-scene.
The curriculum begins with self-study and homework assignments (approx. 24 hours) and progresses through 76 hours of classroom sessions.
Our workplace integrated Confined Space Entry training program has been designed for those with an occupational requirement to be trained to safely undertake work in Confined Spaces. A Confined Space Entry Program is used when work is being done at a place from which a confined space has been identified according to legislation. This training program is for any employee who may be expected to complete work-related tasks that expose them to danger when working in and around confined spaces.
The program teaches the information every employee needs to know in order to avoid accidental exposure when performing work related tasks.
This program will also create an understanding of the statutory requirements of the federal COHS, Provincial and Territorial OH&S legislations. The program is designed to protect the health and safety of workers at the jobsite, developed in accordance with the requirements of the OH&S and COHS regulations.
Our workplace integrated Confined Space Entry supervisor training program has been designed for those with an occupational requirement to be trained to safely undertake work as a supervisor of Confined Space Entry.
A Confined Space Entry Program is used when work is being done at a place from which a confined space has been identified according to legislation. This entry supervisor training program is for any employee who may be expected to oversee work-related tasks that expose workers to danger when working in and around confined spaces.
This program will also create an understanding of the statutory requirements of the federal COHS, Provincial and Territorial OH&S legislations. The supervisor entry program is designed to protect the health and safety of workers at the jobsite, developed in accordance with the requirements of the OH&S and COHS regulations.
Our workplace integrated Confined Space Rescue training program has been designed for those with an occupational requirement to be trained as confined space rescue team members. The program is designed to protect the health and safety of workers at the jobsite, developed in accordance with the requirements of the OH&S and COHS regulations.
Our workplace integrated Fall Protection training program has been designed for those with an occupational requirement to be trained to safely undertake work at heights. A Fall Protection system is used when work is being done at a place from which a fall of 3m (10 ft) or more may occur, or where a fall from a height of less than 3m involves a risk of injury greater than the risk of injury from the impact on a flat surface.
This training program is for any employee who may be expected to complete work-related tasks that expose them to danger when working at heights.
Our workplace integrated Forklift Operator training program has been designed for those with an occupational requirement to be trained to safely undertake work activities that involve the operation of a forklift.
This training program is for any employee who may be expected to complete work-related tasks that expose them to danger when working on or around forklift. The program teaches the information every employee needs to know in order to avoid accidental exposure when performing work related tasks.
Our workplace integrated Telehandler Forklift Operator training program has been designed for those with an occupational requirement to be trained to safely undertake work activities that involve the operation of a Telehandler Forklift. The program teaches the information every employee needs to know in order to avoid accidental exposure when performing work related tasks.
This program will also create an understanding of the statutory requirements and has been developed in accordance with CSA standards.
There are more than 1.5 million Elevating Work Platforms used in the world today. It is the employers’ responsibility to develop a safety program to facilitate safe work with Elevating Work Platform equipment.
This program will also create an understanding of the statutory requirements of the federal COHS, Provincial and Territorial OH&S legislations. This safety program is designed to protect the health and safety of workers at the jobsite.
Our workplace integrated Skid-Steer Loader Operator training program has been designed for those with an occupational requirement to be trained to safely undertake work activities that involve the operation of a Skid-Steer Loader. This training program is for any employee who may be expected to complete work-related tasks that expose them to danger when working on or around Skid-Steer Loader.
The program teaches the information every employee needs to know in order to avoid accidental exposure when performing work related tasks.
This program will also create an understanding of the statutory requirements of the federal COHS, Provincial and Territorial OH&S legislations. This safety program is designed to protect the health and safety of workers at the jobsite.
Our workplace integrated ATV Operator training program has been designed for those with an occupational requirement to be trained to safely undertake work activities that involve the operation of an ATV.
This training program is for any employee who may be expected to complete work-related tasks that expose them to danger when working on or around ATV’s. The program teaches the information every employee needs to know in order to avoid accidental exposure when performing work related tasks.
This program will also create an understanding of the statutory requirements of the federal COHS, Provincial and Territorial OH&S legislations. This safety program is designed to protect the health and safety of workers at the jobsite.
Our workplace integrated UTV (Utility Transport Vehicle) Operator training program has been designed for those with an occupational requirement to be trained to safely undertake work activities that involve the operation of a UTV.
This training program is for any employee who may be expected to complete work-related tasks that expose them to danger when working on or around UTV’s. The program teaches the information every employee needs to know in order to avoid accidental exposure when performing work related tasks.
This program will also create an understanding of the statutory requirements of the federal COHS, Provincial and Territorial OH&S legislations. This safety program is designed to protect the health and safety of workers at the jobsite.
Our workplace integrated Ground Disturbance training program has been designed for those with an occupational requirement to be trained to safely undertake Ground Disturbance work.
Ground Disturbance means any cut, cavity, excavation, trench or depression in the earth’s surface resulting from rock or soil removal.
This training program is for any employee who may be expected to complete work-related tasks that expose them to danger when working adjacent to an area to be excavated. The program teaches the information every employee needs to know in order to avoid accidental exposure when performing any task that requires a disturbance of the ground.
This program will also create an understanding of the statutory requirements of the federal COHS, Provincial and Territorial OH&S legislations. This safety program is designed to protect the health and safety of workers at the jobsite.
This training program will provide you with the information that is used to implement the Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) system. It takes a mix of prevention, planning, preparation, training and communications to create and sustain a TDG system. TDG regulations are intended to help prevent incidents from happening and to protect the public if there is a spill or leak during the transport of a dangerous product.
The goal of this program is to help you gain the core knowledge to better understand the transportation of dangerous goods regulation (Clear Language Edition), the reporting procedures for accidental spills or leaks, and your responsibilities in the role of a shipper, handler or transport driver.
As a requirement of the provincial fire codes, property owners, corporations controlling properties and property managers of large buildings or large complexes are obligated to implement a Fire Safety Plan and establish a Fire Warden System.
The Fire Warden training component assists management to meet the provisions of the fire code and provides training that will support the basic essentials for the safety of the building occupants and to provide fire safety for the building.
Fire Extinguisher Training: A fire emergency is any unforeseen occurrence large or small that disrupts normal business operations, and requires an emergency response. Incidents are serious matters; they can lead to injuries, deaths, business shutdown, environmental damage and damage to the company’s reputation.
The fire extinguisher training component will provide important skills to help minimize the chances of an accidental fire, however you must still be prepared to deal with a fire emergency should something go terribly wrong.
On a construction site, the work environment, climate, equipment, personnel, and conditions are in a continuous state of change. These variables can cause accidents and injuries if proper awareness and respect of the hazards and best safety practices are not strictly followed.
Safety is part of your job. An accident-free work environment is not a goal, it is an expectation. Safety is everyone’s responsibility. Accident prevention requires making safety a part of every task you perform.
Hydrogen sulfide is an extremely toxic, colourless, flammable gas with a characteristic “rotten egg” smell when present in low concentrations. Hydrogen sulfide is a liquid when stored at low temperature or high pressure. It turns rapidly into a gas at room temperature and under normal pressure conditions.
Hydrogen sulfide, or H2S, occurs naturally in crude petroleum, natural gas, volcanic gases, and hot springs. It can also result from bacterial breakdown of organic matter, as well as being produced by human and animal wastes.
Hydrogen sulfide is used in processing many different types of products. For example, in the Pulp and Paper industry, it is used as a whitening agent for paper products. Hydrogen sulfide is also a by-product of petroleum production, and occurs naturally in crude oil. It may be present in petroleum production facilities or in petrochemical operations.
It may also be present at natural gas wells or in natural gas pipelines. Hydrogen sulfide may also be released during wastewater treatment and during landfill operations.
By implementing the safety guidelines in this guide, you can avoid injury and work safely with and around hydrogen sulfide.
Operating a pendant controlled crane is a big responsibility. The operator is in control of the movement of thousands of pounds around equipment and co-workers. Improper use of a pendant controlled crane can have serious consequences, including injuries to co-workers, property damage, increased crane maintenance, and even the possibility of deaths occurring. Cranes should only be operated by trained, authorized personnel.
This course provides a general introduction to the safe operation of pendant controlled cranes. Operating a pendant controlled crane takes skill and concentration. With knowledge and the proper training, it can be done in a safe manner that eliminates the potential for incidents.
Pipelines are the primary means of transporting natural gas and oil products across the continent. Many companies and organizations—including the petroleum, natural gas, and chemical industries—rely on pipelines to connect refineries, processing plants, distribution sites, and customers with vital oil, gas, and chemicals. Almost every house and commercial building relies on pipelines to receive heating fuel, water, and gas.
Keeping this network running smoothly is important to everyone who turns up a thermostat, switches on a boiler, or starts a car. Your ability to work safely, while protecting the environment, is the key to the safe and efficient operation of the pipeline. Pipeline incidents can be devastating, putting at risk people and the environment.
Pipeline workers need to understand and be aware of potential hazards and take measures to prevent incidents and accidents. The individual safety training topics involved are many and vary from excavation safety, to personal protective equipment, to welding, to ergonomics.
Preventing accidents and protecting your health, as well as exercising proper stewardship of the environment, is our primary concern. Your personal commitment to these goals and a strict compliance with established procedures and practices are required.
The Scaffolding Safety series is designed to provide a general introduction to the safety requirements for constructing and working on scaffolds. The safety of employees who perform these activities depends on the integrity of the scaffold system that has been erected and closely following safe work practices.
Part 1— Erecting & Dismantling: Covers pre-planning, inspection of scaffold components, load capacity, platform construction, access, fall protection, falling object protection, dismantling, and more. Scaffold erectors and dismantlers should also receive specific training for the type of scaffold being erected or dismantled.
Part 2 — Safe Work Practices: Covers potential hazards including electricity, falls, falling objects, and safe work practices to protect yourself while working on a scaffold.
Training requirements for employees who perform work while on a scaffold, and also for employees who erect, dismantle, move, operate, repair, maintain, or inspect scaffolds are located in provincial OH&S guidelines.